About Us
PalaRiccione is a top-level conference facility that fits with great synergy into the city’s tourist-economic context, whose strengths have always been the great professionalism and renowned quality of its offerings.
New Palariccione Srl intends to develop conference activity by offering what we can call the Riccione system, putting everything this area can offer at the disposal of conference attendees and their event.
Strategic objective: to create the conditions to develop the city’s economy, in synergy with existing realities, to complement that highly experienced and already widely appreciated made-in-Riccione tourism industry both nationally and internationally as synonymous with efficiency, organization and hospitality.
Corporate structure
PalaRiccione is managed by New Palariccione Srl, a joint public-private company formed by: Municipality of Riccione, Credit Agricole SPA, Fincoop Rimini SRL, Riccione Congressi, Confindustria Romagna, Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia for the Province of Rimini.
Eleonora Bergamaschi