60 minutes from Riccione:
“G. Marconi” International Airport – www.bologna-airport.it
Via Civil Airport – Bologna
Information and reservations tel. 051/6479615
Daily shuttle service A/R Bologna Airport – Rimini: Shuttle Rimini Bologna Airport
45 minutes from Riccione:
Ancona-Falconara Airport “R. Sanzio” – www.anconaairport.com
60020 – Castelferretti di Falconara Marittima (An)
Information office tel. 071/28271
10 minutes from Riccione:
“Federico Fellini” International Airport – www.riminiairport.com
Via Flaminia, 409 – 47831 Miramare di Rimini
Ticket office info tel. 0541/715711
The Adriatic Riviera is well connected to the rest of Italy thanks to the highway network.
Riccione is located along the A14 Highway with which one can conveniently reach the A4 to Venice, the A22 to the Brenner Pass, and equally conveniently the A1 to Florence, Rome and Naples.
Highway A14 Bologna – Taranto – exit Riccione
For information:
Highway Company www.autostrade.it or www.traffico.rai.it
The Riccione train station is well served by convenient trains at all hours and is located just a short walk from downtown and a stone’s throw from Palariccione.
The railway network provides quick connections to northern and central-southern Italy and Europe.
For information:
Metromare is the new public transportation system that connects Rimini station to Riccione with daily rides every 20 minutes on a dedicated route.
Environmentally friendly, fast, safe and technological.
For info times and ticket purchase click here.
Palariccione has underground parking on level -1 (Via Catullo n.5, h 2m) to be paid directly at the automatic cash machine with coins or by day pass that can be purchased at bar Pascucci level 0 at a cost of € 10.00
More parking within minutes of Palariccione:
Multi-storey parking lot Piazzale Curiel – Piazzale Curiel Eugenio, to be paid directly at the automatic cash machine with coins or by day pass purchasable at bar Pascucci level 0 at a cost of € 10.00
Station multi-storey parking lot – v. XIX Ottobre, guarded from 30/04 to 30/09 – tel. 0541 694703, and in the winter period regulated by parking meters
Parking A. Volta – Viale Cortemaggiore, seasonal only guarded from 21/05 to 18/09 – tel. 0541 643886
For more information on parking in the city, it is recommended to contact the Traffic Office of the City of Riccione (tel. 0541.649424)
Download a map of Riccione with underpass heights updated as of March 24, 2016 (jpg file)
Radio Taxi tel. 0541 600559/600553
Ticket office P.le Curiel tel. 0541 300851
AM Rimini – www.amrimini.it
The urban network of the Riviera has equipped itself with numerous environmentally friendly vehicles.
The oBike public bicycle service has been available since 2018: bikes, which are based on the free-floating system, are available at many locations in the city. For info https://www.o.bike/it/
Hotels also provide bicycles for their guests to use along the many green routes through parks and gardens.